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Why I’m Learning Swift?

To be able to answer that question I’ll need to tell you a bit about my background and who I am.

I’m a creative person in a family of programmers and it techs etc… I sing, dance and also love to act on the stage (not at the moment thanks to covid 19 lol). I’ve always tried to sit down and force myself to work on systems and databases etc… but I’ve always either found it too hard or just simply lost interest and found myself not following through with things. So why am I now not only pursuing but loving coding in Swift? It’s simple, I see myself as a creative making things for people and designed for people to use.

One thing I do as a creative is to envision an app BEFORE I start to write code. Though my studies in photography and graphic design I’ve grown to love and see the benefit of the process of prototyping and getting the UX/UI right for the person who will be using the app. Only after this all is done do I step into doing coding (Which I am still very much a novice).

I see sitting down and writing code as a single step within a much larger scope. At the moment I’m finishing up a small app for a music index to display sheet music and it works and look right. The code I think is a mess but I’m working to fix that and I’m loving the process of creating an app from nothing to something that’s useful.

I envision an app not as a series of lines of code and data, even though in a way that’s what it is. I see it as a creation that I’ve made and created for a use! I can design and change how it looks based on my target audiences needs and when I solve a problem in the code, finish a thumbnail, design a simple logo or even just think of the name I get a sense of accomplishment and that’s what drives me to be able to make the next app better than the last. I’m writing this blog so that others can come with me on my journey and help me learn and also I hope in the future to pay it forward and help new budding developers be the best they can.


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